© Copyright 2016 Elevation Planning, LLC

Elevation Planning, LLC

Welcome to Colorado.  First things first: breakfast to help us get to know each other a little better. 

Then we’ll dive deep, first gaining perspective across every arena of your life.  What has made you the man you are today?* We’ll chart our findings on paper and hang the pages on the wall.  As you see your life surrounding you, you’ll gain key insights into your unique story and design.  And how you’re made – your gifts, your passions, your wiring, your heart. 

For the better part of a day and a half we’ll circle around your life looking for insights and clarity, filling the walls with your story.

Then these insights will help you create a unique LifePlan complete with next steps to guide you and a Plan on a Page offering an at-a-glance reminder of the insights that will guide you as you move forward. Together, these tools become your dashboard as you navigate life with all the opportunities and decisions it presents.

At the end of 2 days, you’ll be a little exhausted, but also exhilarated, inspired, and encouraged.  No two stories are alike.  You now have a better understanding of what makes you uniquely you and how you can make your best possible contribution, true to both your talents and heart.

*For women looking for a LifePlan, I’m delighted to recommend the lovely and gracious Laura.  You’ll love her! 

What does a LifePlan look like?

Copyright 2016 Elevation Planning, LLC

We’ll spend 2 days one-on-one developing a plan to help you make your greatest possible contribution.