© Copyright 2016 Elevation Planning, LLC

Elevation Planning, LLC

Copyright 2016 Elevation Planning, LLC

The experience is designed for Small Business and Non-Profits, whether start up or seasoned.  Here's a quick sketch.

We’ll begin with a 3 day gathering of your key decision makers.  Together, we will circle around your organization from various perspectives gaining clarity about where you are. 

We will dive deep for insights into your history, operations, markets, customers, revenue streams, etc.  We’ll identify what’s working and what could be improved.  We will look at patterns and trends in the broader marketplace and identify opportunities.  From there, you will begin to gain insights about where you ought to be headed. 

The process will then lead us through the creation of a detailed action plan to accomplish your WINs – What’s Important Now?   

By the end of 3 days, we’ll sketch out cross-functional teams from throughout your organization that will be tasked with addressing each action initiative.

After your teams have had time to assemble and create their plans (typically 4-6 weeks), we’ll gather again for 2 days to dovetail the results of each team’s learnings into a full-fledged and comprehensive action plan. 

We’ll merge them into an integrated Plan on a Page with a detailed list of action initiatives covering strategy, tactics, financials.  

This becomes the dashboard and management system you’ll use to lead your organization to success.                                                

​What Does a StratOp Look Like?